Flying Robot (Summary Draft 1)

The article “The Flying Robot Might Prevent Deforestation” introduces the functionality and purpose of drones, which provide aerial surveillance and data gathering. The drones act as “tiny, silent guardians of the rainforest” and gather data from disaster zones and illegal logging. It captures live footage and allows immediate response to the situation. The article also states that drones can be used to capture “illegal drug trafficking and mining, as well as environmental crimes”. According to Kumar, quadrotors can operate automatically for spying, unlike the “fixed-wing drone” that pilots manually. The quadrotors are palm-sized and smarter. It has high situation awareness to react to obstruction by adjusting the rotors’ speed to orientate itself and maneuver through. Each quadrotor runs independently which affects coordination with other units. The size and its abilities served their purpose for quadrotors to regulate the rainforest by flying through the canopies.


Peck. M. (2012). "How Flying Robot Might Prevent Deforestation".


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